Calling all sisters of the Manifestor clan - join us in a 
We are thrilled to inform you of the second Human Design Manifestor women retreat, this time a cozy fall forest indulgence in a tranquil paradise in Spain!
On November 28th we embark on a 5 day journey to discover, experiment, experience, investigate, impact and be impacted, and also just ENJOY precious time together in Manifestor Aura and feminine inspiration
The setting is a beautiful secluded mansion with plenty of green to venture into in the lush nature of Pendés, outside Barcelona. With a chef making 3 delicious Mediterranean meals a day for us, plenty of spaces to BE, and a swimming pool, we need not go anywhere - it is a real RETREAT.
This is an opportunity to relax deeper into the form and the closed Aura, to gain a solid understanding of the Manifestor mechanics, practice the practical implements of the knowledge, and dive together into the magic of just BEING us.
We will experience in Aura interaction, learn and discuss important Manifestor themes, enjoy morning relaxing sessions (Yoga\Chi Gong), movement, dancing and music. All of this facilitated by Manifestor women deeply immersed living their HD experiment.

Some topics we will cover and investigate:

- 17:00 Opening ceremony & getting to know each other
- 19:00 Dinner
- 20:00 Swedish cookie night by the fire

- 08:00 Yoga/morning movement
- 09:00 Breakfast
- 10:00 Conscious VS. Unconscious & Manifesting VS. Projecting channels
- 11:15 Break
- 11:30 - 12:15 Continuing session
- 13:00 Lunch
- 16:00 Profiles - Manifestors and unique leading
- 17:15 Break
- 17:30 - 18:15 Profiles - Lines and angles
- 19:00 Dinner
- 20:00 Evening activity

- 08:00 Yoga/morning movement
- 09:00 Breakfast
- 10:00 Informing - The magic of strategy
- 11:15 Break
- 11:30 - 12:15 Informing - Deepening the experiment
- 13:00 Lunch
- 16:00 Inner Authority - Manifestor differentiation
- 17:15 Break
- 17:30 - 18:15 Inner Authority - leaning into our SELF
- 19:00 Dinner
- 20:00 Manifestor dancing party

- 08:00 Yoga/morning movement
- 09:00 Breakfast
- 10:00Circuitry - how we interact
- 11:15 Break
- 11:30 - 12:15 Circuitry - Dilemmas in mixed circuitry
- 13:00 Lunch
- 16:00 Anger and Peace - Confronting resistance
- 17:15 Break
- 17:30 - 18:15 Anger and Peace - Relaxing into signature
- 19:00 Dinner
- 20:00 Movie night

- 08:00 Breakfast
- 09:00 Closing session and goodbyes
- 11:00 Checkout

A forest retreat
Our venue is a haven, a big and beautiful Spanish estate located in Sitges (see PRACTICAL DETAILS) in Pendés an hour outside Barcelona.
Imagine us, the tribe of Manifestor women, peacefully luxuriating in our freedom and power, in a tranquil forest in beautiful nature. That's exactly what it will be!
We'll enjoy fall weather in this huge, amazing mansion with plenty of room to relax, have your space - and for the brave ones there is a pool! Breakfast is served in the spacious kitchen area, where you can choose to eat or find a secluded spot if you prefer. We will also have a private chef cook delicious food for us, both lunch (vegetarian) and dinner(omnivore). Throughout the day, a coffe/tea cart, with snacks, will be available. We're here to support and empower you, ensuring you are well taken care of during the entire stay