Hero image

Who are we?

Pavaka Halel Katzir

Image of Pavaka5\1 emotional Manifestor. Walking the spiritual path since 1999, through many teachings and methods, and have been teaching and guiding people since 2005.

When HD came into my life in 2012 and I started living the experiment radically, it mutated me and transformed my life deeply, even after years of spirituality. It soon became my main way of guiding people, initiating them into their selves, both 1 on 1 in readings, and facilitating courses and retreats, in Israel and internationally. I am a certified Human Design Guide and a PTL analyst in formation (finished all the courses 2 yrs. ago and waiting for the energy to hand in the work LOL).

I love working with my Manifestor family. I have a beautiful all Manifestor FB group in Israel, and have facilitated many Manifestor meetings, courses and even a 3 day retreat in Israel (we were 30 Manifestors). Being in the Manifestor Aura together is always impactful and mutative for me, and I am so looking forward to meet my international sisters.

Pavakas BodygraphIHDS Certified Professional

Milla Berglund

Image of Milla6/2 Splenic Manifestor. 19. I was 19 when I felt done with life and in need of help. So, I started searching for answers and in the process tried ALL the different things; talk therapy, hypnosis, yoga, you name it! Eventually I found my way to someone who guided me to a calmer way of being. (Later found out he is an Emotional Projector.) This led me to wanting to support others and I have worked with clients since 2001, with different modalities.

I crossed paths with Human Design in 2012 - and living Strategy & Authority became my way to navigate the world. Finally, the pieces of my life's puzzle finally fit together with a vocabulary, and a context, making sense. Went to my first Immersion with Mary Ann in 2015 and experienced the power of being in Aura with others living their experiment. Since then, I have become an LYD guide and (IHDS-board willing) HD Analyst, working with clients through sessions and readings. When I step out from behind my barrier for the correct call, such as this retreat, I relax and enjoy my love in supporting fellow Manifestors.

Millas BodygraphIHDS Certified Professional

Meet the team

Karin Gal Cohen

Image of KarinFrom the core
To the space:
The magic of spiral movement & concious breathing.

Connecting ourselves to universal qi through yoga & qigong.

I have been investigating movement, consciousness & breath for many years. Teaching yoga & helping people to heal, through Chinese medicine, Shiatsu & other therapy modalities.

Shir DJ Pitzi Peretz

Image of ShirSplenic Manifestor 3/5.
DJ and music editor for parties and private events for more than ten years. 35 years old, self-employed, lives in northern Israel, mother to two-year-old Noam and the daughter of a retired legendary DJ, from the pioneers in Israel.

Moving around through music of all genres and rhythms. Came into the world to make all music lovers happy by playing the right music for every specific audience and environment. A fan of nostalgia and also always keeps searching for new refreshed beats, voices, artists and tracks that make the body pleasant and loose.

You are invited to follow on Instagram @dj_pitzi. Also check the Spotify profile and listen to various playlists edited by Pitzi

I am very excited to meet all of you! Get ready for a festive, diverse, inspiring live dj set that will move us all in various directions and connect all the awesome manifestor women hearts in our intimate dance floor.

Viola Isenbürger

Image of Karin6/2 Ego Manifestor. I discovered HD in 2021 and it brought so many answers and lightness into my life. As a creative professional I was always searching for my path in writing, filmmaking and photography, trying to explore new ways and make a difference for others. Being the youngest daughter in the family I was called to be the cycle breaker and I am still working on recognizing and resolving the inherited emotional patterns in purpose of myself and my own family with two teenage sons. Through HD and Breathwork I was able to connect more and more with myself, to explore my potential and the bigger picture. I have become a Human Design and Hypnobreath Coach and I love to share my experiences and help others on their own path.

I am excited to be part of this unique retreat and to support with capturing this special energy with photography and film. I am also guiding a hypnotherapy breathing session for Manifestors.